Acupressure for Gout Pain Relief

Image for Acupressure Massage For Gout Pain Relief.

Acupressure massage is an ancient therapy that can relieve gout pain fast. Discover, here, how acupressure can help you get quick gout pain relief.

Acupressure Massage for Gout

The complementary therapy known as acupressure comes from a combination of acupuncture and deep massage.

It is a very ancient therapy that encourages the body’s own healing mechanisms, and is particularly good for pain relief.

An acupressure practitioner utilises the palms, fingertips and thumbs to massage — quite firmly — specific pressure points all over the body.

These pressure points are the same as mapped out and used in acupuncture.

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Difference Between Acupressure and Acupuncture

The difference between acupressure massage and normal massage techniques is that acupressure doesn’t use any oils or other equipment, only the bare hands. And it targets specific points on the body.

The difference between acupressure and acupuncture is that acupressure uses stiff, deep massage to do the ‘magic,’ whilst acupuncture uses long, thin needles for the same outcome.

It is believed that by using acupressure on the same sites as acupuncture is used, the body’s own healing mechanisms are triggered and enhanced. And, depending on how bad the condition is, pain relief can be very quick, or, it may take several sessions to completely relieve the pain.

Although it is an ancient form of healing, there is enough evidence as to its effectiveness, that it is used in many Western hospitals today, as a physiotherapy option.

Of course, acupressure is only one of a myriad of natural remedies for gout out there. And, although it may work for some gout victims, it may not for others.

That’s why it’s important to have a good awareness of all the natural home remedies there are at your disposal…