Mushrooms and Gout: Eating Mushrooms with Gout

Mushrooms and Gout
Image by skeeze from Pixabay

Mushrooms and gout: Are mushrooms safe to eat with gout? Some gout sufferers avoid them. But should they? Discover why you should eat mushrooms even with gout. But there is a caveat…

Can You Eat Mushrooms with Gout?

Mushrooms and Gout

I love mushrooms and find that I can eat them without any problem, although some gout sufferers seem to report otherwise. But, of course, I don’t binge on them everyday. And that’s important because:

  • Dried mushrooms are rated as being a high purine food, i.e. greater than 200 mg uric acid per 3.5 oz (100 g) food serving.
  • Fresh mushrooms, on the other hand, are generally rated as being a moderately high purine food, i.e. between 100-200 mg uric acid per 3.5 oz (100 g) serving.

But don’t let that put you off, because mushrooms are packed full of healthy goodness that you don’t want to miss out on…

Mushrooms are Highly Nutritious

They’re rich in:

  • vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), & B9 (folate)
  • vitamin D3
  • copper
  • ergothioneine (amino acid & powerful antioxidant)
  • phosphorous
  • potassium
  • selenium
  • zinc
  • dietary fibre

…and many more vitamins, trace elements and amino acids.

Mushrooms are also low in calories, fat and cholesterol free, and very low in sodium.

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And if you’re a vegan, mushrooms are the only source of non-fortified dietary vitamin D.

Health Benefits of Mushrooms

According to several studies, mushrooms help to boost:

  • cardiovascular health
  • brain/cognitive health
  • blood pressure regulation
  • blood sugar regulation
  • immune system health
  • healthy skin
  • healthy bones and nervous system
  • digestive system
  • hormone production

All in all, a highly nutritious, extremely healthy food.

What are mushrooms exactly?

Here’s a great description from Scelta Mushrooms:

Many people think that mushrooms are vegetables. But this is not the case. All vegetables and fruits come from edible plants. The main characteristic of plants is that they contain chlorophyll, which is used to convert energy from sunlight into carbohydrates. However, mushrooms contain no chlorophyll which means they can not photosynthesize; they ‘steal’ the carbohydrates they need from plants. A mushroom (Agaricus Bisporus) is one of the many species of fungi. They have been given their own kingdom due to the sheer number of species that exist: ‘The Kingdom of Fungi’.

Mushrooms start their lives underground. As white fluff. This is the so-called ‘mycelium’, the fungal threads that sprout the mushrooms. A mushroom is actually the fruit of a much bigger fungus which grows under the ground. In the wild, mycelium can stay underground for a very long time. If the circumstances are favourable, particularly the presence of food, humidity and temperature are important – buds will form that seek daylight. This is the birth of a mushroom. The small – usually white – ball will quickly grow into a proper mushroom. The cap will open and will start dropping millions of miniscule seeds (spores). These seeds are spread by the wind, end up on the ground and start forming another mycelium.

So should gout sufferers consume mushrooms?

The health benefits are so compelling that they absolutely should be included in a well-balanced gout diet, but with the caveat ‘in moderation.’

Personally, I stay away from dried mushrooms altogether and only consume fresh mushrooms in moderation, that is to say, no more than 1 x 3.5 oz (100 g) serving per day. And certainly not every day.

So, like most things in life, the key for me is ‘in moderation.’

Sautéed Mushrooms

And did you know this about mushrooms?