Gout Treatment: The Do’s and Don’ts of Treating Gout

Image for gout treatment.

Gout treatment can be either drug-based, natural or a combination of both. Here, you’ll discover the key issues of both drug-based and natural treatments for gout.

Treating Gout

The symptoms of gout are redness, swelling, stiffness, inflammation and very great pain in the joint.

At the first signs you should attend your doctor for a proper diagnosis. Once the condition has been verified then your doctor will prescribe some gout treatment.

Mainstream (Medical) Treatment

Medical gout treatment usually consists of a range of drug-based medications to reduce inflammation / relieve pain and to lower uric acid in order to help prevent future gout attacks.

For example, to reduce inflammation and relieve pain, drugs such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as indomethacin, naproxen and ibuprofen, etc.), colchicines and corticosteoids are prescribed. And these can work very well for most gout victims. But the side effects can be severe: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach ulcers, bleeding, etc.

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To help lower uric acid levels drugs like probenecid and allopurinol are regularly prescribed. Again, these can work well given time. These are a longer term drug because they are only effective whilst you are taking them. Once they are stopped you can develop high uric acid levels again. This is why so many people take them for many months, even years. These also have unfortunate side effects, such as diarrhea, nausea, allergic reactions, etc.

Natural Gout Treatment

But there are natural alternatives for people who have an intolerance to the drugs or who just don’t want to keep taking drugs over the long term.

These use the natural anti-inflammatory, pain relieving and uric acid reduction properties of things such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, natural supplements, etc. For example; cherries, celery, alfalfa, and bromelain, etc.

But they also include things like natural kidney cleansers, natural body detoxing, lifestyle adjustments, dietary changes, weight reduction, and so on. It’s a more holistic approach to gout treatment than drugs.

Note: Before trying any of these it’s always best to consult your doctor about their suitability for your own set of circumstances. And never stop taking your prescribed medications without first talking with your doctor.

The key in any gout treatment program is to not only treat the symptoms of a gout attack but to ensure that you don’t suffer recurring attacks. Frequent attacks of gout over a period of time can lead to permanently damaged joints, kidney problems, stroke, and heart disease. Gout has even been linked to premature death!

So after an attack has been relieved you must be careful not to repeat the mistakes that perhaps triggered your gout attack in the first place. This is where lifestyle choices, diet and your weight position come in.

And this is also where, with your doctor’s consent, you could even combine both mainstream gout treatment and natural gout treatment.